From Angela Black
Get quick information for accessing and using the CCH AnswerConnect database for accounting majors. This video will cover how to find the database and use it from from… -
From Philippe Van Houtte
Use the Interlibrary Loan service to get any book! Even a book the Tech library does not have! And at no cost to you! -
From Philippe Van Houtte
This 5-minute video introduces the Tech library website. Some selected services are broadly presented. The purpose is to show the main tools and features accessible from… -
From Sherry Tinerella
Find a peer-reviewed journal article using Find It... and by using a multidisciplinary database. -
From Angela Black
This video from the Ross Pendergraft Library will go through the basic steps and best practices for screen-casting a video online. Whether you suddenly have to… -
Presentation by Charity Park for the Center for Undergraduate Research
From Angela Black
This video will teach you how to find full-text article or book results in the library's search engine, Find It, using information from a citation. Email the… -
From Angela Black
Confused about parts of a citation? This quick tutorial will help you distinguish between journal article citations, book citations, and book chapter citations. For… -
From Angela Black
This video will teach you how to add footnotes into a Word document, as well as, adding full reference APA citations into those footnotes. For more information on… -
From Angela Black
Learn how to find out if there are laptops at the library available for checkout. If they are all unavailable, you can place a hold request to be notified when the item…